Project-Based Learning
Fredricka Stoller, Fulbright Scholar at University of Foreign Language Studies
Wecome to the seminar about Project-Based Learning delivered by Professor Fredricka Stoller from Northern Arizona University.
At the seminar you will have opportunity to learn about the merits of project-based learning and how this method should go.
Students work on a project over an extended period of time – from a week up to a semester – that engages them in solving a real-world problem or answering a complex question. They demonstrate their knowledge and skills by developing a public product or presentation for a real audience.
As a result, students develop deep content knowledge as well as critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills in the context of doing an authentic, meaningful project. Project Based Learning unleashes a contagious, creative energy among students and teachers.
Time: 8:00 – 10:30 Saturday May 19 2018
Venue: Hall HC303 131 Luong Nhu Hoc St Danang City
University of Foreign Languages, Danang Unversity

Fredricka Stoller, Ed.D.
Applied Linguistics
Blg 23 Rm #327
Phone: 928-523-6272
Special Interests
- Second language reading
- Disciplinary writing
- Project-based learning
- ESL methodology and pedagogy
- Curriculum and materials development
- Ed.D. in Educational Administration, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona (1992)
- MA in Education (TESL/TEFL), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (1977)
- MA in Linguistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (1976)
- BA in Italian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, California (1975)
Professional Experience
- Professor, English Department, NAU (2005–present)
- Director, Program in Intensive English, NAU (1987–1997)
- Instructor/Lecturer/Assistant Professor/Associate Professor, English Department, NAU (1985–2005)
- Fulbright Scholar, University of Foreign Language Studies, University of Da Nang, Vietnam (Spring 2018)
- Fulbright Specialist, Timor Leste (May 2014, August 2014)
- Senior Fulbright Lecturer, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey (2002–03)
- TESOL Summer Institute faculty, St. Michael’s College, Vermont (1995)
- Summer Teaching Fellow, EFL Program, Harvard University (1982–84)
- Lecturer/Intensive English Supervisor, American Language Institute, USC (1980–85)
- EFL Instructor, Institute of North American Studies, Barcelona, Spain (1977–1980)
Select Publications
- “Research support for content-based instruction,” with S. Fitzsimmons-Doolan & W. Grabe. In M. A. Snow & D. M. Brinton (Eds.), The content-based classroom: New perspectives on integrating language and content (2nd ed., pp. 21-35). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. (2017)
- “Building coherence into the content-based curriculum: Six Ts revisited,” with W. Grabe. In M. A. Snow & D. M. Brinton (Eds.), The content-based classroom: New perspectives on integrating language and content (2nd ed., pp. 53–66). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. (2017)
- “Content-based instruction,” with S. Fitzsimmons-Doolan. In N. Van Deusen-Scholl & S. May (Eds.), Encyclopedia of language and education: Second and foreign language education. Vol. 4 (3rd. ed., pp. 71-84). Berlin, Germany: Springer. (2017)
- “EAP materials and tasks.” In K. Hyland & P. Shaw (Eds.), The Routledge handbook for English for academic purposes (pp. 577–591). New York, NY: Routledge. (2016)
- “Assisting ESP students in reading and writing disciplinary genres,” with M. Robinson. In N. W. Evans, N. J. Anderson, & W. G. Eggington (Eds.), ESL readers and writers in higher education: Understanding challenges, providing support (pp. 164 –179). New York, NY: Routledge. (2015)
- “Drawing upon applied linguistics to attain goals in an interdisciplinary chemistry–applied linguistics project,” with M. Robinson. In M. J. Curry & D. I. Hanauer (Eds.), Language, literacy, and learning in STEM education: Research methods and perspectives from applied linguistics (pp. 11–25). Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. (2014)
- “An interdisciplinary textbook project: Charting the paths taken,” with M. Robinson. In N. Harwood (Ed.), English language teaching textbooks: Content, consumption, production (pp. 262–298). London, England: Palgrave Macmillan. (2014).
- “Teaching reading for academic purposes,” with W. Grabe. In M. Celce-Murcia, D. M. Brinton, M. A. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language (4th ed., pp. 189–205). Boston: Heinle Cengage. (2014)
- “Making a commitment to strategic-reader training,” with R. Komiyama. Contemporary Foreign Language Studies, 396(12), 46 –62. (2013)
- “Instructional enhancements to improve students’ reading abilities,” with N. Anderson, W. Grabe, & R. Komiyama. English Teaching Forum, 51(1), 2 –11, 33. (2013)
- “Chemistry journal articles: An interdisciplinary approach to move analysis with pedagogical aims,” with M. S. Robinson. English for Specific Purposes, 32, 45–57. (2013)
- “Going green: Merging environmental education and language instruction,” with S. Hauschild & E. Poltavtchenko. English Teaching Forum, 50(2), 2 –13. (2012)
- A Handbook for Language Program Administrators (2nd ed.), co-edited with M. A. Christison. Miami, FL: Alta English Publishers. (2012)
- Teaching and Researching Reading (2nd ed.), with W. Grabe. New York: Routledge. (2011)
- “Innovation as the hallmark of effective leadership,” In M. A. Christison & D. Murray (Eds.), Leadership in English language education: Theoretical foundations and practical skills for changing times (pp. 73–84). New York: Routledge. (2009)
- Write Like a Chemist: A Guide and Resource, with M. S. Robinson, M. S. Costanza-Robinson, & Jones, J. K. New York: Oxford University Press. (2008)
- “Using the ACS Journals Search to validate assumptions about writing in chemistry and improve chemistry writing instruction,” with M. S. Robinson & J. K. Jones. Journal of Chemical Education, 85(5), 650–654. (2008)
- “Interdisciplinary collaboration: Two heads are better than one,” with B. Horn & M. S. Robinson. English Teaching Forum, 42(2), 2–13. (2008)
- “A read-analyze-write approach to research-related literacy skills for upper-division chemistry majors,” with Marin. S. Robinson. In K. K. Katukstis & T. Elgren (Eds.), Designing, implementing, and sustaining a research-supportive undergraduate curriculum: A compendium of successful curricular practices from faculty and institutions engaged in undergraduate research (pp. 175–190).Washington, D.C.: Council on Undergraduate Research. (2007)
- “Establishing a theoretical foundation for project-based learning in second and foreign language contexts.” In G. H. Beckett & P. C. Miller (Eds.), Project-based second and foreign language education: Past, present, and future (pp. 19–40). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. (2006)
- Civic Education volume of Language & Civil Society: A Forum Electronic Journal. (http://americanenglish.state.gov/resources/language-and-civil-society-e-journal-civic-education)
Grant Activity
National Science Foundation Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) Educational Materials Development Grants, with M. S. Robinson, Chemistry (PI). (http://www.oup.com/us/writelikeachemist)
Teacher Training
In Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Guatemala, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, Poland, Qatar, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor Leste, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE, Ukraine