Updated: 20/03/2017
English Faculty directs classes some samples of Self-assessment evaluation results ( the new official samples promulgated since 2016-2017) for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 courses. Classes carry out evaluation on student’s self-assessment results and complete all the samples before submitting a hard copy of it to English Faculty Office 41 Le Duan St. (Room A102) and a soft copy to our Faculty’s email (khoaanhsv.dhnn@gmail.com)
Classes must submit all the papers mentioned below:
– Individual self-assessment mark evaluating poll.
– Report on class-meeting about self-assessment evaluation.
– Table of synthetic self-assessment mark.
– Report on long time absences or drop-outs (If there any)
– Table of synthetic self-assessment marks should be sent to the Faculty in two form: A soft copy (according to the sample of table of synthetic self-training process) and a paper copy of it, which has all necessary signatures.
– Classes should make the synthetic table IN THE RIGHT ORDER in the attached list of students, in order to guarantee the accuracy in self-assessment mark of the students in the process of collage .
– Time and reasons should be included about drop-outs cases in “Notes” section in the Table of self-assessment mark and in the Report on the long-term absences from classes.
– self-assessment marks should be in scale of 100 point, equivalent marks should be in scale of 1 based on the formular: [(self-training mark)/100]. For example, student A’s self-training mark is 85,then his equivalent mark is (85/100=0.85).
– The Faculty has sent the samples of Report on the class-meeting and Self-assessmentmark evaluating poll in the Announcement, “ equivalent mark” and “grade” had been formulated in the sample, students just need to put in their self-assessment mark.
– All papers should be submitted at English Faculty Office at 41 Le Duan ( including those of third year, last year and high-quality classes).
Synthetic table (new version):
List of K13 students in first term of academic year 2016-2017:
List of K14 students in first term of academic year 2016-2017:
List of K15 students in first term of academic year 2016-2017:
List of K16 sutdents in first term of academic year 2016-2017: